1024 Dev | About Us
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About Us

1024 Development is an Atlanta start-up that specializes in providing clients with technology-based solutions. We build modern, responsive websites and mobile applications on platforms that optimize functionality and are designed for usability. We are a diverse set of developers, visual designers, and product managers that all have a passion for technology with a common goal of building cool stuff for clients!




Graphic design


Web Development



“While technology can be intimidating to people that don’t sit in front of computers all day playing with code, we aim to educate our clients throughout the process”


What do you need? I know we answered a question with a question. Seriously, if you can think it up, we can probably build it. We take pride in challenging ourselves to be creative while making sure we are delivering what the client needs.Our project managers wouldn’t have it any other way.

We believe that our full-service in-house model allows creates a high level of efficiency and leads to great results. Once we have a start date for your project it becomes a priority. We pride ourselves on good communication and transparency in the development process.

Mobile Friendly Websites

Since roughly 56% of on-line traffic comes through mobile devices you can’t afford to not have a responsive website. Not only should it look good and function well, but it should be accessible on all device


Being able to sell and promote your product or service online opens you up to a global market. We have solutions that can get your ready to sell. Online sales already comprise over 10% of US sales and are steadily growing.


If you aren’t exactly sure what you want or you have a site in my mind we can provide you with a mockup. From there we can handle image editing, logo creation and any other design elements that might be necessary to deliver a final product.


We offer copywriting services that will help you get your juices flowing. We ask the right questions so we can make sure we capture the strongest parts of what you are looking to tell the world.

Site Maintenance

Not only do we have affordable maintenance packages, but we offer fast turnaround times on updates. Most updates are completed between 48 and 72 hours


If you need training on an application or you are looking to maintain parts of your website we can help. We offer personalized training, video training, and written manuals.

Have an idea? Drop us a note